IEA Conference Scholarships
Now Accepting Applications for IEA Conference 2018 Scholarships
The Board of the International Enneagram Association (IEA) is pleased to announce that it will be awarding scholarships to attend the upcoming IEA Global Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 20-22, 2018.
The deadline to apply for a scholarship is May 4th and scholarships will be announced by May 25th, 2018.
Following is information about how to apply for a scholarship and criteria that will be used in awarding scholarships.
If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Hatmaker at [email protected]
Bart Wendell
IEA Scholarship Committee
Scholarship Application Process
Scholarship Information
For the 2018 IEA Global Conference, scholarships shall be awarded consisting of:
- A full waiver of the Conference registration fees, and
- Possible funds to off-set travel expenses to and from the Conference
Selection Criteria
Scholarships shall be awarded based on criteria including, but not limited to:
- Geographic representation
- Considerations of age and/or minority diversity
- How the applicant intends to use the knowledge gained at the Conference
- Resources available or not available to the applicant
- Letter of support from an IEA member (if applicable)
Selection Committee and Process
Scholarship applications shall be reviewed and awarded by the IEA Scholarship committee, consisting of at least 3 members of the IEA Board
Important Dates
Deadline to Apply: May 4th
Notifications will be sent out by: May 25th