Renew Accreditation
Accredited Professionals (including Accredited Professionals with Distinction) need to renew their IEA Accreditation annually by paying their combined Professional Member dues and annual accreditation fee. (IEA global membership at the Professional level must be maintained in order for accreditation to remain valid.) In renewing, Accredited Professionals must re-affirm their commitment to the IEA’s Ethical Guidelines and Code of Ethics.
The annual accreditation fee is $100. Current members of IEA Affiliates receive discounted accreditation fees. These discounted accreditation fees are:
Professional | Affiliate of Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden – $85
Professional | Affiliate of Korea, Portugal, Spain – $45
Professional | Affiliate of Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, Georgia (Caucasus), India – $25
In addition, effective October 1, 2022, Accredited Professionals must earn and report every three years 100 additional points, including at least 75 of qualifying “Enneagram-related professional work,” under the AP Scoring System. (Under the prior policies, professional accreditation was required to be renewed every two years and 50 accreditation points, including 30 of Enneagram-related professional work, were required to be reported.) Accreditation points reports are generally reviewed and approved by two members of the IEA Accreditation Review Committee. Accredited Professionals with Distinction are not required to report additional accreditation points.
Once your annual dues an accreditation fee has been paid, you will receive a dated accreditation logo for your use during the next calendar year. You will be notified separately if the Committee requires clarification or has any questions concerning your periodic point reporting.
Accredited Enneagram Schools need to renew their IEA Accreditation annually by:
- Completing the Accredited Enneagram School (AES) Renewal Form you receive at the end of the year and submitting with required updates and documentation
- Reading, agreeing, signing and adhering to IEA’s Ethical Guidelines and Code of Ethics
- Paying the applicable Accredited Enneagram School renewal fee. The annual renewal fee is $250 for the School and up to three sponsored Accredited Training Programs plus $25 for each additional sponsored Accredited Training Programs
Accredited Enneagram School Renewals are reviewed and approved by two members of the IEA Accreditation Review Committee. Committee members may review your website and other materials, as well as any changes in your program or faculty, and request additional information or clarification if needed prior to approving any renewal.
Once your application has been approved and your fee has been paid, you will receive an accreditation logo for your use during the new calendar year.
In order to maintain Enneagram School Accreditation, all teachers delivering Enneagram content as a part of the school must maintain their Professional Accreditations, which requires that they also maintain their IEA Global memberships at the Professional level. In addition, the School’s full certification program must be offered and taught every two years to remain current.
Accredited Training Programs need to renew their IEA Accreditation annually by:
- Completing the Accredited Training Program (ATP) Renewal Form you receive at the end of the year and submitting with required updates and documentation
- Reading, agreeing, signing and adhering to IEA’s Ethical Guidelines and Code of Ethics
- Paying the Accredited Training Program renewal fee of $150
Accreditation Renewals are reviewed and approved by two members of the IEA Accreditation Review Committee.
Once your renewal has been approved and your fee has been paid, you will receive an accreditation logo for your use during the new calendar year.
In order to maintain Training Program Accreditation, all teachers delivering the program must maintain their Professional Accreditations, which requires that they also maintain their IEA Global memberships at the Professional level. In addition, all Accredited Training Programs must be offered and taught at least once every two years to remain current.