World Enneagram Day is a yearly celebration on the last Saturday in May. It is a day dedicated to promoting the Enneagram around the world and raising awareness of this powerful model. It is open to the whole of the Enneagram community ~ any lineage or tradition, any language, any culture, and any age. We are all welcome to be inspired by the sharing and to take that heart message to our connections.

On May 28th we would like to encourage individuals and groups around the world to think about what they might do to cultivate an awareness of the Enneagram and introduce it to their communities. In the past, individuals and groups have hosted different types of free events, workshops, forums, discussions, and social celebrations.

This year, World Enneagram Day coincides with the IEA Nordic Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The IEA will be broadcasting live via Zoom from the conference on Saturday, May 28th starting at 3:00 PM CEST. You will meet people from many countries at the conference and be able to watch a session live!

In addition to this free, live presentation from the IEA Nordic Conference, the IEA is giving the community a special free gift – access to the audio recording of a 2005 conference presentation from IEA Founders, the late Don Richard Riso, and his teaching partner Russ Hudson, titled The Enneagram and the Fourth Way: Transmission and the Spiritual Context of the Enneagram. See below for more information about the free presentations.

Don’t miss this special day of celebrating the Enneagram! Register Now!

Join Us live at the conference starting at 3:00 PM CEST for a chat and the conference presentation:
The WID Factor – Why I Do What I Do
with presenters Patrick Kayrooz and Margaret Loftus

Patrick Kayrooz & Margaret Loftus will be presenting their topic during a 90 minutes live presentation. The WID Factor presents a simple understanding of human personality and what motivates us to do what we do. It is the one factor that can transform your understanding of self and your world. WID gives you the key to free yourself from the prison of your own making. You may read more about the WID Factor here.

Note: You will receive a Zoom link to join the live presentation.

Bonus Gift! Access to Audio Recording
The Enneagram and the Fourth Way:
Transmission and the Spiritual Context of the Enneagram
with presenters Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson

Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson worked together for many years in so many places, on so many projects and topics, and in so many ways. The Enneagram community will now, for a couple of weeks, be able to hear their lecture on the link between the Enneagram and the 4th Way from George Ivanovich Gurdjieff’s teachings. These recordings are a unique glimpse into the concepts, train of thoughts, and profound knowledge we can tap into still after all these years. It is heartwarming to hear the enthusiasm and willingness to go deep and share their self-experienced understanding, in the Gurdjieff meaning of the word understanding (being+doing).

Description from 2005 IEA Conference Program Don Richard Riso & Russ Hudson

Most of us originally discover the Enneagram as a typology, but more profoundly, it is a map of wholeness and a way of recognizing and investigating different aspects and dimensions of our inner experience.

George Gurdjieff brought the Enneagram symbol (and many of its principles) to the modern world in a teaching he called “The Fourth Way”—a method of approaching self-realization that involves working with all three Centers (head, heart, and belly) simultaneously. But these Centers must be understood in a right way. Real inner work requires a direct experience of being fully awake in the Centers versus having a vague idea of their automatic expressions when we are identified with the personality. Ultimately, the Enneagram helps us see the ways we lose ourselves in the personality—and thus lose contact with the present moment and with reality itself. Only by profoundly seeing and understanding this, can we be transformed. The session focuses on the exploration of the interface between ego consciousness and the realms of freedom and vastness that are our True Nature.

Note: You will receive a link to listen to the audio recording.