Member Benefits
When you join the IEA you become part of a vibrant and growing international community of people enthusiastic about learning and using the Enneagram in their professional and personal lives. This handy Member Benefits Chart summarizes the benefits available at the different membership levels. Details and the dues amount for each membership level and category are listed below.
Find the level that is right for you and join our community!
$85 – Participating Member
$65 – Participating | Senior Member
$30 – Participating | 30 and Under Member
$30 – Participating | IEA Affiliate Member*
*Must be a member an IEA Affilate: Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Georgia (Caucasus), India, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, or Sweden
As a Participating Member you can:
- Meet and network with other Enneagram enthusiasts and professionals from around the globe
- Build relationships with people who seek to understand themselves and others at a deep and meaningful level, creating paths for growth and transformation in their own lives and in the larger world.
- Learn about new and cutting-edge ideas and applications of the Enneagram
- Free registration to the monthly IEA LIVE Webinars. IEA LIVE is a monthly live online 90-minute presentation held on the 3rd Friday of each month featuring high-quality presentations by qualified presenters from around the world.
- IEA Library Content – As a member you can access the Members Only Library on your “My Account” page, including:
- All Articles previously published in The Enneagram Journal
- Select audio recordings from past IEA global conferences
- New materials will be posted regularly so be sure to keep your membership current! (Selecting automatic renewal will ensure that you won’t miss out!)
- Receive a discount on registration for IEA Global or Regional IEA Affiliate conferences and select other trainings and events.
- Manage your personal profile on the IEA website to allow communication with other members of the IEA community and promote your Enneagram-related business.
- Access Articles in the newly re-launched IEA NinePoints online magazine.
$160 – Professional Member
$140 – Professional | Affiliate of Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway or Sweden*
$80 – Professional | Affiliate of Korea, Portugal or Spain*
$50 – Professional | Affiliate of Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, Georgia (Caucasus), India*
*Must be a current member of one of the IEA Affiliates listed.
Professional Membership signals your high level of dedication and commitment to understanding and use of the Enneagram in your personal and professional life. By joining as a Professional Member you will receive all of the benefits of Participating Membership as well as opportunities for much greater visibility:
- Professional Members are eligible to present at IEA Global Conferences and IEA LIVE Webinars.
- As a Professional Member, you will be able to post articles, blogs, book announcements, events and reflections as frequently as you would like on the IEA’s newly re-launched IEA NinePoints online magazine.
- All of your IEA NinePoints postings, along with any IEA Journal articles you authored and any presentations you gave at prior conferences that appear in the Members Only Library will appear on an individual Author Profile page you will be able to link to in promoting your work.
- You will be listed on the IEA website “Find-a-Professional” page that lets other members and the public search for professional Enneagram teachers, therapists, coaches and business consultants.
- You will be eligible to purchase a Professional Member Spotlight Email Campaign to promote your events and services. Professional Member Spotlight Campaigns are emailed to the full IEA email database monthly and scrolled on the IEA website for a three month period.
- You may list all of your Enneagram trainings and events on the IEA on-line calendar of events. Calendared events will receive increased visibility by being featured on IEA NinePoints Home page.
- Only Professional Members are eligible to apply for IEA Accreditation, the highest level and most visible public symbol of the extent of your training and experience with the Enneagram and your commitment to upholding high ethical and professional standards in your teaching and use of the Enneagram.
$3500 – Platinum Lifetime Member (one time cost)
The Platinum Lifetime Membership is a great way to show your support while receiving all of the benefits of Professional membership.
If you choose this membership level, you will never have to renew your membership again. In addition, you will receive special recognition at the IEA conferences and in IEA publications, and invitations to IEA conference events not open to the general membership.
With this level of commitment, you will contribute to the mission of the IEA and its members by providing opportunities for:
- Engagement with an international community of shared interests and diverse approaches
- Education in theory and application of the Enneagram
- Developing greater excellence in the use of the Enneagram
Show your support today and start receiving the benefits immediately, and become a lifetime member now!