IEA LIVE is a monthly live online 90-minute presentation held on the 3rd Friday of each month, typically from 3-4:30 eastern time. IEA LIVE features high-quality presentations by qualified presenters from around the world. IEA members may attend for FREE and non-members for $20. The sessions are recorded and available to IEA Members for viewing in the IEA Libary. To register for the upcoming IEA LIVE presentation visit
Want to become an IEA LIVE Presenter?
Each IEA Live is either sponsored and presented by an IEA Chapter or Affiliate or presented by one or more IEA Professional members. If the presentation is in a language other than English, translation to English will be provided. See the IEA Live Policy for additional details.
We invite our IEA Chapters and Affiliates to share local teachers and wisdom with the world by creating and facilitating a 90-minute panel or other presentation by members of the local Chapter or Affiliate on an Enneagram-related topic! If your Chapter or Affiliate would like to present an IEA Live session, please fill out the IEA LIVE PROPOSAL FORM.
We also invite our IEA global Professional members to create and propose such Enneagram-related presentations or panel discussions. Note – All presenters must be current members of the sponsoring Affiliate or Chapter or current Professional members of IEA global. If you would like to submit a proposal to present at an IEA LIVE session, please complete the IEA LIVE PROPOSAL FORM.
The IEA Events Committee will select from all applications received with the goal of creating a high-quality, varied and interesting program throughout the year.