Deepening Your Enneagram Understanding Through an Exploration of the Instinctual Subtypes
Featuring Panelists:
Beatrice Chestnut, Russ Hudson, Peter O’Hanrahan and Mario Sikora
Facilitated by Leslie Hershberger & Curt Micka
Beatrice Chestnut, Russ Hudson, Peter O’Hanrahan and Mario Sikora
Saturday, April 4, 2020
9:30am-5:15pm EDT
Featuring Panelists:
Beatrice Chestnut, Russ Hudson, Peter O’Hanrahan and Mario Sikora
Facilitated by Leslie Hershberger & Curt Micka
What are the Instincts & Subtypes in the world of the Enneagram?
Are Instincts and Subtypes the same thing or different?
Why am I so confused about my dominant Instinct/Subtype?
Are my behaviors reflective of my dominant Type or my dominant Instinct/Subtype?
How do I distinguish between the two? Is it important to do so?
How do our Instincts/Subtypes impact our personal and professional relationships?
These are but a few of the questions we’ll be exploring in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 3-4, 2020.
Through their own study, teaching and facilitation, each of these teachers has emerged as a leader in the field of Instincts/Subtypes.
AGENDA: Deepening Your Enneagram Understanding Through an Exploration of the Instinctual Subtypes*
Note: Times are in listed in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Click here to convert to your time zone.
Welcome from the IEA Presidents
9:45am – 10:15am
Setting the Stage: Introduction to the event and invitation to be present with all 3 centers and with all 3 instincts/subtypes.
10:15am – 11:00am
Each panelist will share their personal journey regarding this topic.
11:00am – 11:15am
11:15am – 1:00pm
Facilitators interview the four teachers, asking questions about terminology, definitions, theory, how this work can help people in with relationships and personal development, how they’ve seen people mis-identify their dominate instinct/subtype, including common misconceptions that they experience people having about instincts and subtypes, etc.
1:00pm – 1:30pm
1:30pm – 3:10pm
Each panelist will interview a volunteer participant who is unsure of his/her/their dominant instinct/subtype with invitations to participants to submit questions.
3:10pm – 3:20pm
3:20pm – 3:50pm
Participant Breakout groups. In groups of 3-4 participants will discuss their insights and further questions for Panelists.
3:50pm – 4:00pm
4:00pm – 4:45pm
Questions from attendees for panel members.
4:45pm – 5:00pm
Each panelist will summarize their thoughts, any new insights, next steps, etc.
Thank you and summary from the IEA Presidents
*Agenda subject to change.
Beatrice Chestnut
Beatrice Chestnut, PhD MA is a psychotherapist, author, coach, business consultant, and international workshop leader. She has a PhD in communication studies and an MA in clinical psychology. A student of the Enneagram since 1990, she has authored two books on the Enneagram of Personality: The Complete Enneagram, and The 9 Types of Leadership.
Russ Hudson
Russ Hudson is the President of the Enneagram Institute and the co-author with Don Richard Riso of five major books on the subject, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types. He has been teaching this work around the world for the last 30 years and is a founder of the IEA.
Peter O’Hanrahan
Peter O’Hanrahan began his enneagram study in Berkeley, California in 1978 and taught his first class in 1981. Since then he has been an active enneagram teacher and trainer in the US and other countries with programs on the Embodied Enneagram, the Enneagram Subtypes, and the Enneagram at Work. For 20 years he has been a trainer for the Palmer/Daniels Professional Training Program, now the Narrative Enneagram School, and has helped train 1500 professionals from the fields of business, psychology and religion. He has a background as a holistic counselor and body therapist and has directed several non-profit organizations.
Mario Sikora
Mario Sikora is an internationally known Enneagram teacher, executive coach, and leadership-development consultant. He advises leaders in multinational organizations in North and South America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. He was 2011-2012 president of the International Enneagram Association.
Leslie Hershberger
Leslie is an Enneagram facilitator, coach and consultant with a background in education, theology and Integral theory. She owns and operates Living Enneagram, LLC and is certified in the Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition teacher and coach tracks and in the Enneagram in Business. She created two Integral international online courses (one focusing on Enneagram spirituality) with David Riordan and Ken Wilber. She brings team and leadership development to organizations by doing project based consulting which not only deepens employee .
Curt Micka
Curt Micka, J.D., is a coach, mediator, Enneagram teacher, and facilitator. He owns and operates Conflict Transformation Services, LLC. He’s a graduate of the Deep Coaching Institute, and a certified teacher of the Enneagram in the Narrative Tradition and an IEA Accredited Professional. He has 20+ years experience mediating conflicts of all sort, and he teaches workshops about how the Enneagram can help us navigate conflict more constructively, creatively and compassionately. As a coach, he specializes in helping people and workplace teams navigate conflict more productively, collaboratively, and compassionately.
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*Registered IEA members will also have access to the video recording of the event via the IEA Member’s Library. Please click here to join.